SO. I've heard so many different reactions to Kanye's newest album 808s and Heartbreak. A few of these responses hit me by surprise. I was talking to a friend of mine, and from a rapper's perspective- he says its less inspiring and motivating. He hasn't heard the entire album yet but from the few songs he's listened to so far its been depressing. And i agree. This isn't a happy go lucky type of album but if you ask Charlie, it's his best! I love the album and everything about it. Now a few other haters have said stupid things like " WTF. I can't tell if he's a singer or rapper anymore, its like he's trying to be a pop artist or somethin". AAAHN. (wrong answer buzz) Kanye is clearly still a rapper and in fact he is the greatest. People fail to realize that he is DIFFERENT and extremely unique. He's nothing like these other rappers out there and he has so much more to offer and i guess its just hard for people to accept something other than the norm. Now I'm not saying that other great rappers are nothing compared to him, but I might as well haha. I mean, Kanye is MY favorite rapper hands down and all of this is MY opinion. Call it what you like. and tell everybody THAT ya know!